Please use the name displayed on your passport as your reservation name in English or Japanese only.

Check-in is between 16:00 and 23:00. Late check-in’s after 23:00 are not accepted.

We allow children 6 years and older. Children will be counted as adults and adult fare will be charged.

The maximum number of guests we accept is 10 in one group. Even if you make reservations separately under the different name or different room type, we would recognize them as one group.

When you stay at dormitory, We might ask you to be separated into different rooms.

When you book the same type of room and more than 2 nights, We might ask you to move to different room(same room type) and then you can use next room after 16:00.


  • ●You can cancel your reservation through ‘Confirmation・Cancellation’ the bottom of this page.
  • ●If you don’t receive a confirmation email for canceling your reservation, please let us know. In that case your cancellation might be failed.

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