10月に開催するLocal Stand vol.4のイベントについて、お知らせです。
焼き物はもちろん、送りものボックスとして欠かせない紙器や、特産の食品など、 波佐見の魅力が一度に味わえるイベントです。
For a limited 3 days Nui. Hostel & Bar Lounge will be hosting “Hasami Store” where we will put on display all of Hasami’s (Nagasaki Prefecture) finest qualities!
The famous Hasamiyaki pottery is a given, additionally paper crafted reusable containers, edibles and much more will be presented during the event.
To go up and beyond, there will also be a workshop where you can design your own pottery! This edition of “Local Stand” will provide you with the opportunity to understand one of Japan’s most charming roots.
“Local Standでは、旅人が地方と出会えるきっかけを作っていきたいと考えています。
At Local Stand our goal is to create a platform where locals and worldwide travelers can meet.
This platform sponsors regional crafts and food as well as meeting the Japanese locals responsible for their handiwork.
ーLocal Stand vol.4
日時:2017年10月13日~15日 10時~17時
ーHasami Store
Date: 2017/10/13 – 15
Time: 10:00 – 17:00
陶磁器ブランドのマルヒロから、馬場さんを講師としてお招きして、転写シール貼りでオリジナルプレートが作れるワーク ショップを行います。 その日にお持ち帰り可能で、ご予約は不要です。
・色塗り恵比寿さま 参加費:¥2000
・飾り皿を作ろう~! 参加費: 小¥2500 / 大¥4000
This edition of Local Stand will host a representative from ceramic brand, “Maruhiro” to lead a crafts & arts workshop.
We invite you to take your personal designs home, a reservation fee and participation is not required!
Aiyu – Merchandise: Ceramic Dishes
Iwasaki Shiki – Merchandise: Paper Based Apparel & Misc. Goods
Shinei Kanko – Merchandise: Local Goods
Saikaitōki – Merchandise: Ceramics
① 新栄観光
① Shinei Kanko
Native to Hasami and established in 1977, this company jumped on the developing travel industry and became a leader in the charter bus field. In order to deliver some of Hasami’s less known but equally valuable insights, the tour bus based program created a slogan, “Regional Footwork” to gain one step closer to their countrywide customers, and to maintain close accessibility with their valued clients. At the event, a Shinei Kanko staff will be providing some of Hasami’s original souvenirs.
岩嵜紙器は、長崎県の自然豊かな町にあるパッケージの総合メーカーです。 昭和 35 年の創業以来、手仕事にこだわり箱づくりを続けてきました。 自社ブランド AKERU PROJECT では、箱づくりの知識や技術と、職人による丁 寧な作業を生かした新たな商品を発表しています。
② Iwasaki Shiki
Located in the heart of Nagasaki’s rich nature, Iwasaki Shiki is a packaging manufacturer. Since 1960 the company has continued making handcrafted boxes, through establishing their own brand AKERU PROJECT, they have advanced the knowledge and technology and created a new line of products outside of packaging. The event will display a selection of the brand’s newly engineered merchandise.
③ Aiyu
Established in 1984, Aiyu, a ceramic wholesale and retail company under the command of company president, Koyanagi started designing and developing their own original products. Although Aiyu originally began as a Hasamiyaki designer, the technique has been altered to a more unique and improved style. The Aiyu team continues to use their knowledge based on traditional Hasamiyaki while improving the design for their customers’ use. Aiyu’s mix of ceramics will be presented during the event.
波佐見焼は生産工程ごとに会社が分かれる 「分業制」で作られていて、その中でマルヒロは、デザインした商品を各工程の職人さんへお願いする “プロデューサー”のような役割と、出来上がった商品を流通させる“商社”の役割をしています!
④ Maruhiro
Maruhiro, originally a street vendor established in 1957 is a unique ceramic manufacturer that does not have a factory. The company produces traditional Hasamiyaki as well as miscellaneous interior decorations. Hasamiyaki production is executed through multiple steps, therefor by dividing up the labor the product is finished. Maruhiro plays the role of “producer” gathering information from multiple craftsmen to be able to reach the best possible outcome when finalizing their products. Sequentially the company plays the role of a ‘trader’ and distributes the perfected merchandise to their clients. At the event, Maruhiro will be in charge of leading the arts & crafts workshop using Hasamiyaki.
⑤ 西海陶器 西海陶器(長崎県波佐見町)は1946年に創業し、 卸販売や加工などを通じて波佐見焼を伝えてきた会社です。 400年の歴史を持つ波佐見焼は、全国の日用食器の17%を生産する日本有数の窯業の土地でありながら、近隣の有力産地の陰に埋もれていました。 近年では振興に一念発起し、日用品としての波佐見焼の価値を高めています。 西海陶器は波佐見のビジネスを牽引し、他現地企業と共に日用品としての波佐見焼の価値を高めてきました。
⑤ Hasamiyaki Saikaitōki
Saikaitōki was established in 1946 in Nagasaki Prefecture’s Hasami-Chō that quickly developed into a sales and manufacturing company. The firm specializes in handling production of traditional Japanese style pottery known as Hasamiyaki. Despite Hasamiyaki boasting a 400-year-old history and representing 17% of Japanese household table-wear products, neighboring ceramic manufacturers cast a shadow on Hasamiyaki popularity for a long period of time. However, with age Hasamiyaki’s value increases; promotion has deemed this unique porcelain as an essential household item. Saikaitōki has continued to lead the Hasamiyaki business and collaborates with various local companies that also promote using the traditional ceramics. Enjoy the traditional Japanese pottery and table-wear!
【John John Festival presents CELTIC LINK 開催!】