この度の新型コロナウイルス感染拡大に伴い、Nui. HOSTEL & BAR LOUNGEでは、4月5日より、宿泊、カフェ、バーともにしばらくの間臨時休業とさせていただくことにいたしました。突然の決定となり申し訳ございません。
特に、ご宿泊、またご来店を予定されていた方にはご迷惑をお掛けすることになるかと思いますが、感染拡大防止の面からも、ご理解、ご了承いただければ幸いです。また、Backpackers’ Japanの運営する他姉妹店に関しても同じような措置を取らせていただいております。
Backpackers’ Japan
To all our loved and valued guests. We are sorry to have to suddenly announce that due to the recent global coronavirus pandemic, we will be temporarily closing ‘Nui.’ of all operations including the hostel, bar and cafe.
We understand that this will cause inconveniences to all, but hope that you can understand and respect our decision in such a tumultuous time. We have made the decision in order to fight the spread of the coronavirus. Similar measures will being taken by Backpackers’ Japan’s other hostels throughout Japan.
To come to such a decision was trying. As a company primarily operating in the hospitality industry, we have been hit especially hard. To keep ‘Nui.’ and Backpackers’ Japan afloat during this period, we have predicted that we need to close up shop until the spread of coronavirus is stopped.
At first, we contemplated the idea of keeping open just the cafe and bar, but as sales are predicted to further plummet indefinitely, this was not a viable option. Furthermore, by staying open we would be risking not only the health of our valued staff, but the health of all who visit ‘Nui.’.
Small and large businesses the world over are taking unprecedented measures in order to tackle this universally shared threat with no clear answers or guidelines to follow, and with this in mind we hope you can respect our approach. We believe that everyone is trying their best in trying to fight this global catastrophe and although we don’t have a clear answer, we believe our decision is the safest route for us to take in order to keep our business alive and to prevent the spread of the virus.
Our philosophy is “A place where people can gather regardless of their social borders”. We, as a company, strive to be able to return to operating once again under this mantra and ask for your patience until we feel prepared to safely once again open our doors to all.
We currently do not have a set date on reopening, however, we will be making an announcement on the 16th of April announcing future developments via our Instagram and other social media accounts.
Although we will be temporarily closing our doors, we thank all of you who care for ‘Nui.’ . We thank you for your patience and look forward to once again opening our doors and welcome you in to ‘Nui.’ .
Backpackers’ Japan
【2024年9月18日(水曜)CAFE CLOSEのお知らせ 】